Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mixtape : Dalem x Luar | Anyar x Lawas | Galau x Senang

Sempat tertunda beberapa lama, akhirnya mixtape ini bisa diupload juga. This mixtape consisted of my favorite songs in every moment of life. Di mixtape ini ada 2 side, yang pertama yaitu Galau Side dan yang kedua Senang Side. Track-track di Galau Side ini lagu favorit saya di saat galau, ada di side...

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I'm betting that you won't pretend to be others as good as myself. Have you ever imagine : Pretending all the times, living the days and nights while trying to be someone you're not ? Living the bullshits and craps all the times ? Mungkin kamu pernah ngerasain hal yang sama. Sebuah kehidupan palsu dimana ga ada "heart belonging" sama sekali. Gairah kehidupan yang dulu menggebu pun sekarang kaya...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Vow of Awakening

Hey Autumn, behold through the gray sky These leaves have nowhere to go And no one could tell you why Put yourself out of your mind To know when we can get into Hey come, let's sit and talk We're here, dropping our minds to get into Tell me, Tell me, just tell me It's not gonna hurt, no no believe me Like the smoke of cigars They just flown away, Like the magic of the night stars Everything will...